Publications of the Institute of Quantum Optics

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Total number of publications found: 1060
  • S. Birkholz, C. Brée, A. Demircan, and G. Steinmeyer (2015): Predictability of Rogue EventsPhys. Rev. Lett. 114, 213901 More info
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.213901
  • S. Donner, S. Bleeker, T. Ripken, M. Ptok, M. Jungheim, A. Krueger (2015): Automated working distance adjustment enables optical coherence tomography of the human larynx in awake patientsJ. Med. Imag. 0001;2(2):026003. (2015) doi:10.1117/1.JMI.2.2.026003 More info
  • Schlichting, S.; Willemsen, T.; Ehlers, H.; Morgner, U.; Ristau, D. (2015): Direct in situ GDD measurement in optical coating processProc. SPIE 9627, Optical Systems Design 2015: Advances in Optical Thin Films V, 96271S
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2191215
  • T. Ehmke, A. Knebl, S. Reiss, I.R. Fischinger, T.G. Seiler, O. Stachs und A. Heisterkamp (2015): Spectral behavior of second harmonic signals from organic and non-organic materials in multiphoton microscopyAIP Advances; 5: 084903
    DOI: 10.1063/1.4915134
  • T. Ehmke, A. Krüger, T. Ripken, S. Reiß, O. Stachs, A. Heisterkamp (2015): Nichtlineare Lasermikroskopie in der Ophthalmologie: Physikalische Prinzipien und wegweisende AnwendungenKlinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde; 232: 1365-1373
  • T. Schuldt, C. Schubert, M. Krutzik, L. Gesa Bote, N. Gaaloul, J. Hartwig, H. Ahlers, W. Herr, K. Posso-Trujillo, J. Rudolph, S. Seidel, T. Wendrich, W. Ertmer, S. Herrmann, A. Kubelka-Lange, A. Milke, B. Rievers, E. Rocco, A. Hinton, K. Bongs, M. Oswald, M. Franz, M. Hauth, A. Peters, A. Bawamia, A. Wicht, B. Battelier, A. Bertoldi, P. Bouyer, A. Landragin, D. Massonnet, T. Lévèque, A. Wenzlawski, O. Hellmig, P. Windpassinger, K. Sengstock, W. von Klitzing, C. Chaloner, D. Summers, P. Ireland, I. Mateos, C. F. Sopuerta, F. Sorrentino, G. M. Tino, M. Williams, C. Trenkel, D. Gerardi, M. Chwalla, J. Burkhardt, U. Johann, A. Heske, E. Wille, M. Gehler, L. Cacciapuoti, N. Gürlebeck, C. Braxmaier, and E. Rasel (2015): Design of a dual species atom interferometer for spaceExp. Astron. DOI 10.1007/s10686-014-9433-y (2015)
    DOI: 10.1007/s10686-014-9433-y
  • T.G. Seiler, T. Ehmke, I. Fischinger, D. Zapp, O. Stachs, T. Seiler und A. Heisterkamp (2015): Two-Photon Fluorescence Microscopy for Determination of the Riboflavin Concentration in the Anterior Corneal Stroma when using the Dresden ProtocolInvestigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science; 56(11): 6740-6746
    DOI: 10.1167/iovs.15-17656
  • Turowski, M.; Jupé, M.; Ehlers, H.; Melzig, T.; Pflug, A.; Ristau, D. (2015): Simulation in thin film technologyProc. SPIE 9627, Optical Systems Design 2015: Advances in Optical Thin Films V, 962707
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2191693
  • Turowski, M.; Jupé, M.; Melzig, T.; Moskovkin, P.; Daniel, A.; Pflug, A.; Lucas, S.; Ristau, D. (2015): Practice-oriented optical thin film growth simulation via multiple scale approachThin Solid Films, Volume 592, Part B, 240-247
    DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2015.04.015
  • Turowski, M.; Jupé, M.; Melzig, T.; Pflug, A.; Ristau, D. (2015): Multiple scale modeling of Al2O3 thin film growth in an ion beam sputtering processProc. SPIE 9627, Optical Systems Design 2015: Advances in Optical Thin Films V, 96271M
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2191049
  • Willemsen, T.; Jupé, M.; Malobabic, S.; Schuba, K.; Ristau, D. (2015): Modelling and Experimental Studies in an Advanced Filtered IBS ProcessMagnetron, Ion Processing & Arc Technologies European Conference & International Symposium on Reactive Sputter Deposition (MIATEC-RSD), 08.-11. Dezember 2015, Paris
  • Willemsen, T.; Schlichting, S.; Kellermann, T.; Jupé, M.; Ehlers, H.; Morgner, U.; Ristau, D. (2015): Precise fabrication of ultra violet dielectric dispersion compensating mirrorsProc. SPIE 9627, Optical Systems Design 2015: Advances in Optical Thin Films V, 96271U
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2191051
  • A. Demircan, S. Amiranashvili, C. Brée, U. Morgner, and G. Steinmeyer (2014): Supercontinuum generation by multiple scatterings at a group velocity horizonOptics Express, Vol. 22, Issue 4, pp. 3866-3879 (2014) More info
  • A. Demircan, S. Amiranashvili, C. Brée, U. Morgner, and G. Steinmeyer (2014): Adjustable pulse compression scheme for generation of few-cycle pulses in the midinfraredOptics Letters, Vol. 39, Issue 9, pp. 2735-2738 (2014) More info
  • Arenberg, J. W.; Jensen, L.; Ristau, D. (2014): Analysis of the laser damage characteristics of a production lotProc. SPIE 9237, Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 2014, 923724
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2068336
  • B. Lücke (2014): Multi-particle entanglement in a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate for quantum-enhanced interferometry | File |
    PhD Thesis
  • B. Lücke, J. Peise, G. Vitagliano, J. Arlt, L. Santos, G. Tóth, C. Klempt (2014): Detecting multiparticle entanglement of Dicke statesPhys. Rev. Lett. 112, 155304 (2014).
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.155304
    arXiv: 1403.4542
  • Balasa, I.; Hippler, M.; Schröder, H.; Jensen, L.; Gauch, M.; Ristau, D.; Riede, W. (2014): Enhancement of contamination growth and damage by absorption centers under UV irradiationProc. SPIE 9237, Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 2014, 92372A
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2085138
  • Balasa, I.; Jensen, L. O.; Ristau, D. (2014): Laser calorimetric absorptance testing of samples with varying geometryOpt. Eng. 53(12), 122503
    DOI: 10.1117/1.OE.53.12.122503
  • Balasa, I.; Neiers, X.; Mende, M.; Jensen, L.; Ristau, D. (2014): Investigation of binary coating material mixtures using grazing incidence EUV-reflectometryProc. SPIE 9237, Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 2014, 92371Y
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2068197