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Rapid generation of all-optical 39K Bose-Einstein condensates using a low-field Feshbach resonance,
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H. Albers, R. Corgier, A. Herbst, A. Rajagopalan, C. Schubert, C. Vogt, M. Woltmann, C. Lämmerzahl, S. Herrmann, E. Charron, W. Ertmer, E. M. Rasel, N. Gaaloul, D. Schlippert
All-Optical Matter-Wave Lens using Time-Averaged Potentials,
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Cold Atoms in Space: Community Workshop Summary and Proposed Road-Map,
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A. Roura, C. Schubert, D. Schlippert, E. M. Rasel
Measuring gravitational time dilation with delocalized quantum superpositions,
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Christian Schubert, Sven Abend, Matthias Gersemann, Martina Gebbe, Dennis Schlippert, Peter Berg, and Ernst M. Rasel
Multi-loop atomic Sagnac interferometry,
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D. Lindberg, N. Gaaloul, J. R. Williams, D. Schlippert, P. Boegel, E. M. Rasel, D. I. Bondar
Asymmetric Tunneling of Bose-Einstein Condensates
E. Wodey, R. J. Rengelink, C. Meiners, E. M. Rasel, and D. Schlippert
A robust, high-flux source of laser-cooled ytterbium atoms,
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Momentum Entanglement for Atom Interferometry,
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Ultracold atom interferometry in space,
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A. Roura, C. Schubert, D. Schlippert, and E. M. Rasel
Measuring gravitational time dilation with delocalized quantum superpositions
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Technologies for the ELGAR large scale atom interferometer array
C. Ufrecht, F. Di Pumpo, A. Friedrich, A. Roura, C. Schubert, D. Schlippert, E. M. Rasel, W. P. Schleich, and E. Giese
Atom-interferometric test of the universality of gravitational redshift and free fall,
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C. Vogt, M. Woltmann, H. Albers, D. Schlippert, S. Herrmann, E. M. Rasel, and C. Lämmerzahl
Evaporative cooling from an optical dipole trap in microgravity,
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E. Wodey, D. Tell, E. M. Rasel, D. Schlippert, R. Baur, U. Kissling, B. Kölliker, M. Lorenz, M. Marrer, U. Schläpfer, M. Widmer, C. Ufrecht, S. Stuiber, and P. Fierlinger
A scalable high-performance magnetic shield for Very Long Baseline Atom Interferometry,
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H. Albers, A. Herbst, L. L. Richardson, H. Heine, D. Nath, J. Hartwig, C. Schubert, C. Vogt, M. Woltmann, C. Lämmerzahl, S. Herrmann, W. Ertmer, E. M. Rasel, and D. Schlippert
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Optomechanical resonator-enhanced atom interferometry,
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M. Schilling, É. Wodey, L. Timmen, D. Tell, K. H. Zipfel, D. Schlippert, C. Schubert, E. M. Rasel, and J. Müller
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S. Loriani, C. Schubert, D. Schlippert, W. Ertmer, F. Pereira Dos Santos, E. M. Rasel, N. Gaaloul, and P. Wolf
Resolution of the Co-Location Problem in Satellite Quantum Tests of the Universality of Free Fall,
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AEDGE: Atomic Experiment for Dark Matter and Gravity Exploration in Space,
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B. Canuel, S. Abend, P. Amaro-Seoane, F. Badaracco, Q. Beaufils, A. Bertoldi, K. Bongs, P. Bouyer, C. Braxmaier, W. Chaibi, N. Christensen, F. Fitzek, G. Flouris, N. Gaaloul, S. Gaffet, C. L. Garrido Alzar, R. Geiger, S. Guellati-Khelifa, K. Hammerer, J. Harms, J. Hinderer, J. Junca, S. Katsanevas, C. Klempt, C. Kozanitis, M. Krutzik, A. Landragin, I. Làzaro Roche, B. Leykauf, Y.-H. Lien, S. Loriani, S. Merlet, M. Merzougui, M. Nofrarias, P. Papadakos, F. Pereira, A. Peters, D. Plexousakis, M. Prevedelli, E. Rasel, Y. Rogister, S. Rosat, A. Roura, D. O. Sabulsky, V. Schkolnik, D. Schlippert, C. Schubert, L. Sidorenkov, J.-N. Siemß, C. F. Sopuerta, F. Sorrentino, C. Struckmann, G. M. Tino, G. Tsagkatakis, A. Viceré, W. von Klitzing, L. Woerner, and X. Zou
ELGAR -- a European Laboratory for Gravitation and Atom-interferometric Research,
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B. Tennstedt, C. Schubert, D. Schlippert, S. Schön, and E. M. Rasel
Impact of Uncertainties in Atom Interferometry on Strapdown Navigation Solutions,
2019 DGON Inertial Sensors and Systems (ISS), 2019
C. Schubert, D. Schlippert, S. Abend, E. Giese, A. Roura, W. P. Schleich, W. Ertmer, and E. M. Rasel
Scalable, symmetric atom interferometer for infrasound gravitational wave detection
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SAGE: A Proposal for a Space Atomic Gravity Explorer,
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S. Loriani, A. Friedrich, C. Ufrecht, F. Di Pumpo, S. Kleinert, S. Abend, N. Gaaloul, C. Meiners, C. Schubert, D. Tell, É. Wodey, M. Zych, W. Ertmer, A. Roura, D. Schlippert, W. P. Schleich, E. M. Rasel, and E. Giese
Interference of Clocks: A Quantum Twin Paradox,
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S. Loriani, D. Schlippert, C. Schubert, S. Abend, H. Ahlers, W. Ertmer, J. Rudolph, J. M. Hogan, M. A. Kasevich, E. M. Rasel, and N. Gaaloul
Atomic source selection in space-borne gravitational wave detection,
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D. Becker, M.D. Lachmann, S.T. Seidel, H. Ahlers, A.N. Dinkelaker, J. Grosse, O. Hellmig, H. Müntinga, V. Schkolnik, T. Wendrich, A. Wenzlawski, B. Weps, R. Corgier, T. Franz, N. Gaaloul, W. Herr, D. Lüdtke, M. Popp, S. Amri, H. Duncker, M. Erbe, A. Kohfeldt, A. Kubelka-Lange, C. Braxmaier, E. Charron, W. Ertmer, M. Krutzik, C. Lämmerzahl, A. Peters, W.P. Schleich, K. Sengstock, R. Walser, A. Wicht, P. Windpassinger, E.M. Rasel
Space-borne Bose–Einstein condensation for precision interferometry,
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E. Giese, A. Friedrich, S. Abend, E. M. Rasel, and W. P. Schleich
Light shifts in atomic Bragg diffraction,
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K. Douch, H. Wu, C. Schubert, J. Müller, F. Pereira dos Santos
Simulation-based evaluation of a cold atom interferometry gradiometer concept for gravity field recovery,
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S. Kulas, C. Vogt, A. Resch, J. Hartwig, S. Ganske, J. Matthias, D. Schlippert, T. Wendrich, W. Ertmer, E. M. Rasel, M. Damjanic, P. Weßels, A. Kohfeldt, E. Luvsandamdin, M. Schiemangk, C. Grzeschik, M. Krutzik, A. Wicht, A. Peters, S. Herrmann, and C. Lämmerzahl
Miniaturized Lab System for Future Cold Atom Experiments in Microgravity,
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H. Ahlers, H. Müntinga, A. Wenzlawski, M. Krutzik, G. Tackmann, S. Abend, N. Gaaloul, E. Giese, A. Roura, R. Kuhl, C. Lämmerzahl, A. Peters, P. Windpassinger, K. Sengstock, W. P. Schleich, W. Ertmer, E. M. Rasel
Double Bragg Interferometry,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 173601
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S. Abend, M. Gebbe, M. Gersemann, H. Ahlers, H. Müntinga, E. Giese, N. Gaaloul, C. Schubert, C. Lämmerzahl, W. Ertmer, W.P. Schleich, and E.M. Rasel
Atom-Chip Fountain Gravimeter,
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J. Rudolph, W. Herr, C. Grzeschik, T. Sternke, A. Grote, M. Popp, D. Becker, H. Müntinga, H. Ahlers, A. Peters, C. Lämmerzahl, K. Sengstock, N. Gaaloul, W. Ertmer, and E.M. Rasel
A high-flux BEC source for mobile atom interferometers,
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A. P. Kulosa, D. Fim, K. H. Zipfel, S. Rühmann, S. Sauer, N. Jha, K. Gibble, W. Ertmer, E. M. Rasel, M. S. Safronova, U. I. Safronova, and S. G. Porsev
Towards a Mg Lattice Clock: Observation of the 1S0-3P0 Transition and Determination of the Magic Wavelength,
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B. Altschul, Q. G. Bailey, L. Blanchet, K. Bongs, P. Bouyer, L. Cacciapuoti, S. Capozziello, N. Gaaloul, D. Giulini, J. Hartwig, L. Iess, P. Jetzer, A. Landragin, E. Rasel, S. Reynaud, S. Schiller, C. Schubert, F. Sorrentino, U. Sterr, J. D. Tasson, G. M. Tino, P. Tuckey, and P. Wolf
Quantum tests of the Einstein Equivalence Principle with the STE–QUEST space mission,
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J. Hartwig, S. Abend, C. Schubert, D. Schlippert, H. Ahlers, K. Posso-Trujillo, N. Gaaloul, W. Ertmer and E. M. Rasel
Testing the universality of free fall with rubidium and ytterbium in a very large baseline atom interferometer,
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P. Berg, S. Abend, G. Tackmann, C. Schubert, E. Giese, W. P. Schleich, F. A. Narducci, W. Ertmer, and E. M. Rasel
Composite-Light-Pulse Technique for High-Precision Atom Interferometry,
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R. Chamakhi, H. Ahlers, M. Telmini, C. Schubert, E. M. Rasel, and N. Gaaloul
Species-selective lattice launch for precision atom interferometry,
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T. Schuldt, C. Schubert, M. Krutzik, L. Gesa Bote, N. Gaaloul, J. Hartwig, H. Ahlers, W. Herr, K. Posso-Trujillo, J. Rudolph, S. Seidel, T. Wendrich, W. Ertmer, S. Herrmann, A. Kubelka-Lange, A. Milke, B. Rievers, E. Rocco, A. Hinton, K. Bongs, M. Oswald, M. Franz, M. Hauth, A. Peters, A. Bawamia, A. Wicht, B. Battelier, A. Bertoldi, P. Bouyer, A. Landragin, D. Massonnet, T. Lévèque, A. Wenzlawski, O. Hellmig, P. Windpassinger, K. Sengstock, W. von Klitzing, C. Chaloner, D. Summers, P. Ireland, I. Mateos, C. F. Sopuerta, F. Sorrentino, G. M. Tino, M. Williams, C. Trenkel, D. Gerardi, M. Chwalla, J. Burkhardt, U. Johann, A. Heske, E. Wille, M. Gehler, L. Cacciapuoti, N. Gürlebeck, C. Braxmaier, and E. Rasel
Design of a dual species atom interferometer for space,
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D. N. Aguilera, H. Ahlers, B. Battelier, A. Bawamia, A. Bertoldi, R. Bondarescu, K. Bongs, P. Bouyer, C. Braxmaier, L. Cacciapuoti, C. Chaloner, M. Chwalla, W. Ertmer, M. Franz, N. Gaaloul, M. Gehler, D. Gerardi, L. Gesa, N. Gürlebeck, J. Hartwig, M. Hauth, O. Hellmig, W. Herr, S. Herrmann, A. Heske, A. Hinton, P. Ireland, P. Jetzer, U. Johann, M. Krutzik, A. Kubelka, C. Lämmerzahl, A. Landragin, I. Lloro, D. Massonnet, I. Mateos, A. Milke, M. Nofrarias, M. Oswald, A. Peters, K. Posso-Trujillo, E. Rasel, E. Rocco, A. Roura, J. Rudolph, W. Schleich, C. Schubert, T. Schuldt, S. Seidel, K. Sengstock14, C. F. Sopuerta, F. Sorrentino,
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STE-QUEST—test of the universality of free fall using cold atom interferometry,
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D. Schlippert and E. M. Rasel
Einsteins Äquivalenzprinzip im quantenmechanischen Test,
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D. Schlippert, J. Hartwig, H. Albers, L. L. Richardson, C. Schubert, A. Roura, W. P. Schleich, W. Ertmer, and E. M. Rasel
Quantum Test of the Universality of Free Fall,
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D. Stoevesandt, C. Klempt, R. Scheubel, W. Herr, S. Hettwer, K. Werdan, R. Silber, T. Kraya, O. Thews, A. Schlitt
Embolic events caused by aortic thrombi - an underestimated entity?,
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E. Giese, A. Roura, G. Tackmann, E. M. Rasel, and W. P. Schleich
Double Bragg diffraction: A tool for atom optics,
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H. Müntinga, H. Ahlers, M. Krutzik, A. Wenzlawski, S. Arnold, D. Becker, K. Bongs, H. Dittus, H. Duncker, N. Gaaloul, C. Gherasim, E. Giese, C. Grzeschik, T. W. Hänsch, O. Hellmig, W. Herr, S. Herrmann, E. Kajari, S. Kleinert, C. Lämmerzahl, W. Lewoczko-Adamczyk, J. Malcolm, N. Meyer, R. Nolte, A. Peters, M. Popp, J. Reichel, A. Roura, J. Rudolph, M. Schiemangk, M. Schneider, S. T. Seidel, K. Sengstock, V. Tamma, T. Valenzuela, A. Vogel, R. Walser, T. Wendrich, P. Windpassinger, W. Zeller, T.van Zoest, W. Ertmer, W. P. Schleich, E. M. Rasel
Interferometry with Bose-Einstein Condensates in Microgravity,
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W. P. Schleich, D. M. Greenberger, and E. M. Rasel
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W. P. Schleich, D. M. Greenberger, and E. M. Rasel
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D. M. Greenberger, W. P. Schleich, and E. M. Rasel
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G. Tackmann, P. Berg, C. Schubert, S. Abend, M. Gilowski, W. Ertmer, and E. M. Rasel
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