Publications of the Institute of Quantum Optics

Publications in the Research Groups


All Publications of the Institute

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Total number of publications found: 1060
  • R. Corgier, S. Amri, W. Herr, H. Ahlers, J. Rudolph, D. Guéry-Odelin, E.M. Rasel, E. Charron and N. Gaaloul (2018): Fast manipulation of Bose–Einstein condensates with an atom chipNew Journal of Physics, Volume 20, Issue 5, Page 055002
    DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/aabdfc
  • Ristau, D.; Rühl, A.; Ließmann, M. (2018): Mehr als nur Lichtleitung - Innovative Glasfaserherstellung am HITecUnimagazin - Forschungsmagazin der Leibniz Universität Hannover, HITec Das Hannover Institute of Technology - Ein transdisziplinäres Zentrum für Quanten-Engineering, Ausgabe 03/04 2018
  • S. Hannig, J. Mielke, J. A. Fenske, M. Misera, N. Beev, C. Ospelkaus, and P. O. Schmidt (2018): A highly stable monolithic enhancement cavity for second harmonic generation in the ultravioletReview of Scientific Instruments 89, 013106 (2018)
    DOI: 10.1063/1.5005515
  • S. Johannsmeier, P. Heeger, M. Terakawa, S. Kalies, A. Heisterkamp, T. Ripken, D. Heinemann (2018): Gold nanoparticle-mediated laser stimulation induces a complex stress response in neuronal cellsScientific Reports
  • Schulz, P.; Rüsseler, A. K.; Balasa, I.; Kricheldorf, H.-U.; Pflug, A.; Vergöhl, M.; Jensen, L. (2018): Entstehungsdetektion und Vermeidungsstrategien von Mikropartikeln in Plasmabeschichtungsprozessen für die optische Industrie (IGF-Projekt EVAPORE)F.O.M.-Konferenz 2018, 7.11.2018, Berlin, Poster
  • Spelthann, S.; Tinne, N.; Kracht, D.; Neumann, J.; Ristau, D. (2018): Nd2O3-Nanopartikel-Dispersionslaser im sichtbaren SpektralbereichDGaO-Proceedings, Poster
  • T. Meiners, M. Niemann, J. Mielke, M. Borchert, N. Pulido, J.M. Cornejo, S. Ulmer, and C. Ospelkaus (2018): Towards sympathetic cooling of single (anti-)protonsHyperfine Interactions 239, 26 (2018)
    DOI: 10.1007/s10751-018-1502-6
  • T.A. Schulze, T. Hartmann, K.K. Voges, M.W. Gempel, E. Tiemann, A. Zenesini, and S. Ospelkaus (2018): Feshbach spectroscopy and dual-species Bose-Einstein condensation of 23Na-39K mixturesPhys. Rev. A 97, 023623
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.97.023623
  • Thiem, J.; Tinne, N.; Kracht, D.; Neumann, J.; Ristau, D. (2018): Charakterisierung der optischen Dämpfung in passiven und aktiven polymeroptischen FasernDGaO-Proceedings, Poster
  • V. Vaičaitis, M. Ivanov, K. Adomavičius, Ž. Svirskas, U. Morgner and I. Babushkin (2018): Influence of laser-preformed plasma on THz wave generation in air by bichromatic laser pulsesLaser Physics 28, 095402
    DOI: 10.1088/1555-6611/aaca5f
  • V. Vaicaitis, M. Kretschmar, R. Butkus, R. Grigonis, U. Morgner and I. Babushkin (2018): Spectral broadening and conical emission of near-infrared femtosecond laser pulses in airJournal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 51, 045402
    DOI: 10.1088/1361-6455
  • Wang, C.; Li, P.; Ruehl, A.; Hartl, I. (2018): Coherent frequency division with a synchronously pumped optical parametric oscillator at degeneracyOptics Letters 43, 1059-1062
    DOI: 10.1364/OL.43.001059
  • A. Nguyen, P. González de Alaiza Martínez, J. Déchard, I. Thiele, I. Babushkin, S. Skupin, and L. Bergé (2017): Spectral dynamics of THz pulses generated by two-color laser filaments in air: the role of Kerr nonlinearities and pump wavelength Optics Express 25, 4720-4740
    DOI: 10.1364/OE.25.004720
  • R.M. Arkhipov, M.V. Arkhipov, I. Babushkin, A.V. Pakhomov and N.N. Rosanov (2017): Population difference gratings produced by unipolar subcycle pulses in a resonant mediumQuantum Electronics 47, 589-592
    DOI: 10.1070/QEL16389
  • A. Harth, C. Guo, Y.-C. Cheng, A. Losquin, M. Miranda, S. Mikaelsson, C. M. Heyl, O. Prochnow, J. Ahrens, U. Morgner, A. L'Huillier and C. L. Arnold (2017): Compact 200 kHz HHG source driven by a few-cycle OPCPAJournal of Optics 20, 014007
    DOI: 10.1088/2040-8986/aa9b04/meta
  • A. Ishii, D. Heinemann, A. Heisterkamp, H. Kanazawa, M. Terakawa (2017): Intracellular localization and delivery of plasmid DNA by biodegradable microsphere-mediated femtosecond laser optoporationJ. Biophotonics, Vol.10, 12, 1723-1731
    DOI: 10.1002/jbio.201600323
  • A. V. Pakhomov, R. M. Arkhipov, I. V. Babushkin, M. V. Arkhipov, Yu. A. Tolmachev, and N. N. Rosanov (2017): All-optical control of unipolar pulse generation in a resonant medium with nonlinear field couplingPhysical Review A 95, 013804
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.95.013804
  • A. Varkentin, M. Mazurenka, E. Blumenröther, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, M. Rahlves, S.M.C. Broekaert, S. Schäd-Trcka, S. Emmertinst, U. Morgner, B. Roth (2017): Comparative study of presurgical skin infiltration depth measurements of melanocytic lesions with OCT and high frequency ultrasoundJournal of Biophotonics 10, 854–861
    DOI: 10.1002/jbio.201600139
  • A.-G. Paschke (2017): 9Be+ ion qubit control using an optical frequency combDissertation, Leibniz Universität Hannover More info
    PhD Thesis
  • Boughaled, R.; Ehlers, H.; Ristau, D.; Wark, M. (2017): Photocatalytically Active and Optically Transparent Titanium Dioxide Thin Films Prepared by Ion Assisted Physical Vapor DepositionPoster @ 6th International Conference on Semiconductor Photochemistry, Oldenburg