Publications of the Institute of Quantum Optics

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Total number of publications found: 1060
  • Becker, H.; Tonova, D.; Sundermann, M.; Ehlers, H.; Günster, S.; Ristau, D. (2014): Design and realization of advanced multi-index-systemsApplied Optics, Volume 53, Issue 4, pages A88-A95
    DOI: 10.1364/AO.53.000A88
  • C. Meiners (2014): Kompensation von seismischem Rauschen in einem atomaren Gravimeter | File |
    Master Thesis
  • C. Ospelkaus, U. Warring, Y. Colombe (2014): Qubits in der MikrowellePhysik in unserer Zeit 45, 72 (2014)
    DOI: 10.1002/piuz.201301358
  • C. Smorra, K. Blaum, K. Franke, Y. Matsuda, A. Mooser, H. Nagahama, C. Ospelkaus, W. Quint, G. Schneider, S. Van Gorp, J. Walz, Y. Yamazaki, S. Ulmer (2014): Towards a high-precision measurement of the antiproton magnetic momentHyperfine Interactions 228, 31 (2014)
    DOI: 10.1007/s10751-014-1018-7
  • D. Heinemann, S. Kalies, M. Schomaker, W. Ertmer, H. Murua Escobar, H. Meyer, T. Ripken (2014): Delivery of proteins to mammalian cells via gold nanoparticle mediated laser transfectionNanotechnology - doi: 10.1088/0957-4484/25/24/245101. Epub 2014 May 23 More info
  • D. N. Aguilera, H. Ahlers, B. Battelier, A. Bawamia, A. Bertoldi, R. Bondarescu, K. Bongs, P. Bouyer, C. Braxmaier, L. Cacciapuoti, C. Chaloner, M. Chwalla, W. Ertmer, M. Franz, N. Gaaloul, M. Gehler, D. Gerardi, L. Gesa, N. Gürlebeck, J. Hartwig, M. Hauth, O. Hellmig, W. Herr, S. Herrmann, A. Heske, A. Hinton, P. Ireland, P. Jetzer, U. Johann, M. Krutzik, A. Kubelka, C. Lämmerzahl, A. Landragin, I. Lloro, D. Massonnet, I. Mateos, A. Milke, M. Nofrarias, M. Oswald, A. Peters, K. Posso-Trujillo, E. Rasel, E. Rocco, A. Roura, J. Rudolph, W. Schleich, C. Schubert, T. Schuldt, S. Seidel, K. Sengstock14, C. F. Sopuerta, F. Sorrentino, D. Summers, G. M. Tino, C. Trenkel, N. Uzunoglu, W. von Klitzing, R. Walser, T. Wendrich, A. Wenzlawski, P. Weßels, A. Wicht, E. Wille, M. Williams, P. Windpassinger, and N. Zahzam (2014): STE-QUEST—test of the universality of free fall using cold atom interferometryClass. Quantum Grav. 31, 115010 (2014)
    DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/31/11/115010
  • D. Schlippert (2014): Quantum Tests of the Universality of Free Fall | File |
    PhD Thesis
  • D. Schlippert and E. M. Rasel (2014): Einsteins Äquivalenzprinzip im quantenmechanischen TestPhysik in unserer Zeit 45, 217–218 (2014)
    DOI: 10.1002/piuz.201490083
  • D. Schlippert, J. Hartwig, H. Albers, L. L. Richardson, C. Schubert, A. Roura, W. P. Schleich, W. Ertmer, and E. M. Rasel (2014): Quantum Test of the Universality of Free FallPhys. Rev. Lett. 112, 203002 (2014) | File |
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.203002
    arXiv: 1406.4979
  • Duparré, A.; Ristau, D. (2014): Optical interference coatings measurement problem 2013 [Invited]Applied Optics 53, A281-A286
    DOI: 10.1364/AO.53.00A281
  • Fu, X.; Commandré, M.; Gallais, L.; Mende, M.; Ehlers, H.; Ristau, D. (2014): Laser-induced damage in composites of scandium, hafnium, aluminum oxides with silicon oxide in the infraredApplied Optics, Volume 53, Issue 4, pp. A392-A398
    DOI: 10.1364/AO.53.00A392
  • G. Tackmann, P. Berg, S. Abend, C. Schubert, W. Ertmer, E. M. Rasel (2014): Large-area Sagnac atom interferometer with robust phase read outC. R. Physique 15, 884-897 (2014)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.crhy.2014.10.001
  • Gauch, M.; Ehlers, H.; Ristau, D. (2014): Mixing of PTFE and oxides by sputtering techniques: a comparison of different approachesProcedia Technology (15), 540–548
    DOI: 10.1016/j.protcy.2014.09.014
  • Gyamfi, M.; Jürgens, P.; Mende, M.; Jensen, L.; Ristau, D. (2014): Dual-wavelength ultra-short pulse laser damage testingProc. SPIE 9237, Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 2014, 92371Q
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2068180
  • H. Knöckel, S. Rühmann, and E. Tiemann (2014): The A1+u + (1)1Πu system of Mg2Eur. Phys. J. D 68, 293 (2014) More info
    DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2014-50289-9
  • Hoffmann, M.; Nagy, T.; Willemsen, T.; Jupé, M.; Ristau, D.; Morgner, U. (2014): Pulse characterization by THG d-scan in absorbing nonlinear mediaOptics Express, Vol.22(5), pp. 5234-5240
    DOI: 10.1364/OE.22.005234
  • J. Eberhardt, H. Loewen, A. Krüger, S. Donner, N. Stumpp, M. Patzlaff, O. Stachs, M. Reichard, T. Ripken, A. Heisterkamp, M. Stiesch (2014): Non-invasive in vivo imaging by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy of gingival tissues following natural plaque depositionJ. Clin. Periodontol., 2014 Jan 7 [Epub ahead of print] More info
  • J. Grosser, O. Hoffmann, F. Rebentrost and E. Tiemann (2014): The X 2Σ+, A 2Π and B 2Σ+ potentials of NaNe from a combined analysis of optical collision and spectroscopic dataJ. Phys. B 47, 165102 (2014)
  • Jensen, L.; Mrohs, M.; Günster, S.; Ristau, D. (2014): Design concepts for stable AR coatings on UV frequency conversion crystalsProc. SPIE 9237, Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 2014, 92370M
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2068032
  • Kadkhoda, P.; Günster, S.; Jensen, L.; Ristau, D. (2014): Mapping of total scattering as a tool for long term investigations in the cleaning state of the functional coated samplesProc. SPIE 9237, Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 2014, 923708
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2069226