About the Workshop
The recent achievements made by several groups that implement continuous and non-standard methods to slow down and cool atoms and molecules has triggered the idea of starting a dialog, especially focusing on these methods and their prospects. With this workshop we want to address groups working on all kinds of such (quasi-)continuous or in other respect novel approaches to the production of quantum degenerate and ultra-cold samples of atoms and molecules. Our goal is to bring together people from these different fields to get in touch, share their ideas, and find synergies and possibilities for collaborations. The general idea is that we have a number of longer introductory / tutorial talks from the PIs of the participating groups, some shorter contributions by students, a poster session and of course enough time for discussions. The topics of the workshop can cover everything that is interesting and related to the field, e.g.
- deceleration of molecules and atoms
- ultracold guided beams
- sisyphus cooling techniques
- continuous trap loading mechanisms
- all-optical approaches to BEC
List of Invited Speakers
Dr. Sotir Chervenkov
Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik
85748 Garching
A Centrifuge Decelerator: Slowing down Continuous Beams of Cold Polar Molecules with an Inertial Force
Dr. Barbara G.U. Englert
Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik
85748 Garching
Sisyphus Cooling of Electrically Trapped Polyatomic Molecules
Prof. Dr. David Guéry-Odelin
Laboratoire de Collisions - Agrégats - Réactivité
Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse
Matter wave guiding
Dr. Börge Hemmerling
Department of Physics
Havard University
Toward Ultracold CaF
Dr. Thomas Vanderbruggen
ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences
University of California
A continuous sources of cold spin-polarized cold atoms
Dr. Ed Narevacius
Weizmann Institute of Science
Prof. Dr. Georg Raithel
Physics Department
University of Michigan
Cold, guided atoms
Prof. Dr. Mark Raizen
Department of Physics
University of Texas
Controlling Matter with Maxwell´s Demon
Dr. Simon Stellmer
Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation
Quantum-degenerate Strontium
Dr. Nicolas Vanhaecke
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Berlin
Molecular beam slowing experiments
Scientific Organizers

30167 Hannover