Publikationen von Dr. Schlippert
(2022): Rapid generation of all-optical 39K Bose-Einstein condensates using a low-field Feshbach resonance, Phys. Rev. A 106, 043320
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.106.043320
arXiv: 2201.04544 -
(2022): All-Optical Matter-Wave Lens using Time-Averaged Potentials, Commun. Phys. 5, 60
DOI: 10.1038/s42005-022-00825-2
arXiv: 2109.08608 -
(2022): Cold Atoms in Space: Community Workshop Summary and Proposed Road-Map, EPJ Quantum Technol. 9, 30
arXiv: 2201.07789 -
(2021): Measuring gravitational time dilation with delocalized quantum superpositions, Phys. Rev. D 104, 084001
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.104.084001
arXiv: 2010.11156 -
(2021): Multi-loop atomic Sagnac interferometry, Sci Rep 11, 16121 (2021)
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-95334-7
arXiv: 2102.00991 -
(2021): A robust, high-flux source of laser-cooled ytterbium atoms, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 54, 035301 (2021)
DOI: 10.1088/1361-6455/abd2d1
arXiv: 2008.07498 -
(2021): Momentum Entanglement for Atom Interferometry, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 140402 (2021)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.140402
arXiv: 2010.15796 -
(2020): Measuring gravitational time dilation with delocalized quantum superpositions
arXiv: 2010.11156 -
(2020): Atom-interferometric test of the universality of gravitational redshift and free fall, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043240
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.043240
arXiv: 2001.09754 -
(2020): Evaporative cooling from an optical dipole trap in microgravity, Phys. Rev. A 101, 013634
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.101.013634
arXiv: 1909.03800 -
(2020): A scalable high-performance magnetic shield for Very Long Baseline Atom Interferometry, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 91, 035117
DOI: 10.1063/1.5141340
arXiv: 1911.12320 -
(2020): Quantum test of the Universality of Free Fall using rubidium and potassium, Eur. Phys. J. D 74, 145
DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2020-10132-6
arXiv: 2003.00939 -
(2020): Optomechanical resonator-enhanced atom interferometry, Commun. Phys. 3, 208
DOI: 10.1038/s42005-020-00473-4
arXiv: 1902.02867 -
(2020): Vertical Gravity Profile in a 10 m Atom Interferometer, J. Geod. 94, 122 (2020)
DOI: 10.1007/s00190-020-01451-y
arXiv: 2003.04875 -
(2020): Resolution of the Co-Location Problem in Satellite Quantum Tests of the Universality of Free Fall, Phys. Rev. D 102, 124043
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.102.124043
arXiv: 2006.08729 -
(2020): AEDGE: Atomic Experiment for Dark Matter and Gravity Exploration in Space, EPJ Quantum Technol. 7, 6
DOI: 10.1140/epjqt/s40507-020-0080-0
arXiv: 1908.00802 -
(2019): ELGAR -- a European Laboratory for Gravitation and Atom-interferometric Research, Class. Quantum Grav. 37, 225017
DOI: 10.1088/1361-6382/aba80e
arXiv: 1911.03701 -
(2019): Impact of Uncertainties in Atom Interferometry on Strapdown Navigation Solutions, 2019 DGON Inertial Sensors and Systems (ISS), 2019
DOI: 10.1109/ISS46986.2019.8943632 -
(2019): Scalable, symmetric atom interferometer for infrasound gravitational wave detection
arXiv: 1909.01951 -
(2019): SAGE: A Proposal for a Space Atomic Gravity Explorer, Eur. Phys. J. D 73, 228
DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2019-100324-6
arXiv: 1907.03867 -
(2019): Interference of Clocks: A Quantum Twin Paradox, Sci. Adv. 5, 10
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aax8966
arXiv: 1905.09102 -
(2019): Atomic source selection in space-borne gravitational wave detection, New J. Phys. 21, 063030
DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/ab22d0
arXiv: 1812.11348 -
(2017): Miniaturized Lab System for Future Cold Atom Experiments in Microgravity, Microgravity Sci. Technol. 29, 37 (2017)
DOI: 10.1007/s12217-016-9524-7
arXiv: 1610.09986 -
(2015): Testing the universality of free fall with rubidium and ytterbium in a very large baseline atom interferometer, New J. Phys. 17, 035011 (2015)
DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/17/3/035011
arXiv: 1503.01213 -
(2014): Einsteins Äquivalenzprinzip im quantenmechanischen Test, Physik in unserer Zeit 45, 217–218 (2014)
DOI: 10.1002/piuz.201490083 -
(2014): Quantum Test of the Universality of Free Fall, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 203002 (2014) | Datei |
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.203002
arXiv: 1406.4979 -
(2011): Simple method for generating Bose-Einstein condensates in a weak hybrid trap, Phys. Rev. A 83, 035601 (2011)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.83.035601
arXiv: 1012.4222
(2022): STE-QUEST: Space Time Explorer and QUantum Equivalence principle Space Test
arXiv: 2211.15412
(2022): Understanding the gravitational and magnetic environment of a very long baseline atom interferometer, Presented at the Ninth Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry, Bloomington, Indiana, May 17-26, 2022
arXiv: 2209.08886 -
(2020): Matter Wave Interferometry for Inertial Sensing and Tests of Fundamental Physics, Presented at the Eighth Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry, Bloomington, Indiana, May 12-16, 2019
DOI: 10.1142/11655
arXiv: 1909.08524 -
(2019): Atom interferometry and its applications, Proceedings of the International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi” Course 197 “Foundations of Quantum Theory”, edited by E. M. Rasel, W. P. Schleich, and S. Wölk (IOS, Amsterdam; SIF, Bologna)
DOI: 10.3254%2F978-1-61499-937-9-345
arXiv: 2001.10976 -
(2017): Could Cold Atom Interferometry Sensors be the Future Inertial Sensors? – First Simulation Results, 2017 DGON Inertial Sensors and Systems (ISS)
DOI: 10.1109/InertialSensors.2017.8171500 -
(2015): Ground Tests of Einstein's Equivalence Principle: From Lab-based to 10-m Atomic Fountains, Proceedings of the 50th Rencontres de Moriond "Gravitation: 100 years after GR", La Thuile (Italy), 21-28 March 2015
arXiv: 1507.05820
PhD Thesis
Diploma Thesis
(2010): Bose-Einstein-Kondensation in einer optischen Dipolfalle bei einer Wellenlänge von 2 μm | Datei |