Prof. Dr. Alexander Heisterkamp

30167 Hannover

Schwerpunkte in Forschung und Lehre
- Biophotonics and Laser Medicine
- Ultrashort Laser Pulses and Nonlinear Opticss
- Laser-based Imaging in Microscopy
- Laser Manipulation of Cells and Tissues, such as Lasertransfection, Optogenetics, Laser Surgery etc.
Beruflicher Werdegang
2018-2019 Distinguished Guest Professor (Global) at Keio University, Tokyo, Japan
since 02/2014 Full Professor (W3) for Biophotonics at Leibniz Universitaet Hannover
since 02/2014 Member of the Scientific Directorate of the Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.
10/2011-01/2014 Full Professor (W2) of Applied Physics/Optics at Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
2009-2011 Full Professor (W2) of Physics at the Leibniz University Hannover
2006-2009 Assistant Professor (W1) for Biophotonics at the Leibniz University of Hannover,
2003-2004 Postdoctoral Fellow at the Harvard University, (DFG-fellowship)
2002 Dr. rer. nat. at Leibniz University Hannover (summa cum laude)
1998 Degree in Physics at Leibniz University Hannover (summa cum laude)
1998-2002 Promotion Universität Hannover, durchgeführt am Laser Zentrum Hannover, "Einsatzultrakurzer Laserpulse in der refraktiven Hornhautchirurgie"
1998 Diplom in Physik, Universität Hannover, Diplomarbeit am Institut für Quantenoptik, "Thermische Untersuchungen hochrepetierender Erbium-Lasersysteme"
1993-1998 Studium der Physik, Universität Hannover
1992-1993 Zivildienst beim Arbeiter Samariter Dienst Hannover, Ausbildung zum Rettungssanitäter
1992 Abitur Gymnasium Isernhagen
Mitgliedschaften und Ämter
Executive board of the Leibniz University Society, since 2017
Executive board of the German-Technion Society, since 2017
Conference Chair and Member of the Organizing Committee of the LASE-Conference “Commercial and Biomedical Applications of Ultrafast Lasers” of the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), Photonics West, San Francisco, 2005-2016
Co-Chair of the Annual Meeting of the European Optical Society, Aberdeen 2012, TOM Biophotonics.
Liaison lecturer of the Foundation of German Economy (Stiftung Deutsche Wirtschaft – SDW) 2010-2012
Executive board (since 2016) and Member of the Excellence Cluster REBIRTH – Regenerative Biology and Reconstructive Therapy, Hannover, since 2007 (founding member)
Clusterboard member (since 2014) of the Excellence Cluster Hearing for all, Hannover.
PI and Member of the German Lung Center, since 2011
Reviewer for young researcher program “Jugend forscht” since 2014.
Program committee, session chair, organizer of several international conferences (v. Humboldt, NATO, EOS etc)
Member of the Scholarship and Awards Committee of SPIE 2008-2010
Member of the Early Career Program Committee of the SPIE 2007-2008
Member of the Program Committee for the Graduate-School Program “Regenerative Sciences” at the Medical School Hannover
Member of the German Physical Society (DPG)
Member of the German Technion Society