Welcome to the EQLIPS Workshop 2018

We are organizing the EQLIPS workshop (Exploring the Quantum limit with Laser-cooled Ions in Penning Traps) in July 2018 in Hannover.


It will take place in the New Town Hall of Hannover on July 2nd and 3rd, 2018.

We are organizing the EQLIPS workshop (Exploring the Quantum limit with Laser-cooled Ions in Penning Traps) in July 2018 in Hannover.


It will take place in the New Town Hall of Hannover on July 2nd and 3rd, 2018.

About the Workshop


July 2nd and 3rd, 2018

The workshop is focused on optical manipulation and detection of ions in Penning traps, such as: laser cooling and quantum control, laser-induced fluorescence state detection, coherent optical manipulation, laser-based engineering of motional and internal states, ground state cooling, sympathetic laser cooling, quantum logic spectroscopy and improved limits of fundamental tests in Penning traps based on laser cooling and control.


This workshop is supported by DFG through SFB / CRC 1227 DQ-mat.

List of Invited Speakers

Richard ThompsonImperial College LondonCoherent control of ground-state cooled ions in a Penning trap
Wolfgang QuintSPECTRAP / GSITo be announced
Stefan UlmerBASE / RIKENBaryon Antibaryon Symmetry Experiment
Sven SturmMPIKLaser-cooled highly charged ions for precision tests of fundamental symmetries
Daniel RodriguezUniversity of GranadaTowards laser cooling of a single 40Ca+ ion in a 7-T Penning trap for single-ion detection
Elena JordanNIST Ion Storage Group EIT cooling for 2D arrays of hundreds of ions
Christian MarciniakUniversity of SydneyBeryllium ion crystals in a high optical access Penning trap
Juan Manuel CornejoUniversity of HannoverTowards quantum logic inspired techniques for precision measurements with single (anti-)protons
Niels MadsenSwansea UniversitySpectroscopy of Antihydrogen
Sebastian GerberAEGIS / CERNLaser cooling of molecular anions in Penning traps for antimatter experiments

Pauline Yzombard


Toward the laser cooling of negative ions

Matthew BohmanMPIKSympathetically cooled protons with a common endcap Penning Trap
The conference time table for download

Scientific Organizers

Dr. Juan Manuel Cornejo Garcia
Prof. Dr. Christian Ospelkaus
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover
Prof. Dr. Christian Ospelkaus
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover