We have created entanglement in large ensembles of a few thousand indistinguishable atoms. The entanglement of indistinguishable particles cannot be measured directly, because the particles cannot be addressed.
In our recent publication "Entanglement between two spatially separated atomic modes", we split the atomic cloud into two spatially separated parts and prove entanglement between the two subensembles. The particle entanglement is validated using a novel entanglement criterion that we have developed together with the group of Géza Tóth in Bilbao.
- Publication: Entanglement between two spatially separated atomic modes
- Perspective: Split, but still attached
- University press release: Wissenschaftler der Leibniz Universität Hannover erzielen Durchbruch für verbesserte Präzisionsmessungen und Informationsverarbeitung
Press reports:
- ORF (austrian): Tausendfacher Quantenspuk
- chemie.de (german): Durchbruch für verbesserte Präzisionsmessungen und Informationsverarbeitung erzielt
- phys.org: Researchers create a quantum entanglement between two physically separated ultra-cold atomic clouds
- New Scientist: Entangled clouds of atoms are quantum record-breakers
- Quanta Magazine: Real-Life Schrödinger’s Cats Probe the Boundary of the Quantum World
- Gizmodo: Spooky Experiments Bring Quantum Weirdness to Nearly Macroscopic Scales
- The conversation: Scientists discover how to harness the power of quantum spookiness by entangling clouds of atoms
- Science News: Split atom clouds get entangled in quantum tests
- Innovations Reports: A quantum entanglement between two physically separated ultra-cold atomic clouds
- Science Daily: A quantum entanglement between two physically separated ultra-cold atomic clouds
- Space Daily: A quantum entanglement between two physically separated ultra-cold atomic clouds
- Primeur Magazine: Science publishes a study on quantum entanglement in which the UPV/EHU participated
- Science Blog: A quantum entanglement between two physically separated ultra-cold atomic clouds
- Elhuyar (basque): Korapilatze kuantikoa sortu dute fisikoki bananduta zeuden bi Bose-Einstein kondentsaturen artean
- Hungarian Academy of Science (hungarian): Kvantumösszefonódást sikerült létrehozni
- Naukas (spanish): El entrelazamiento cuántico entre dos condensados de Bose-Einstein separados
- Noticias de la Ciencia y la Tecnologia (spanish): Science publica un estudio sobre entrelazamiento cuántico en el que ha participado la UPV/EHU
- elconfidential.com (spanish): Fisicos vascos experimentan con el entrelazamiento cuantico de atomos
- 인저리타임 (korean): ‘유령 같은 원격작용’, 다원자 덩어리에서도 확인되다