Publikationen aus dem Institut für Quantenoptik

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Alle Publikationen des Instituts

Anzahl der gefundenen Publikationen: 1060
  • H. Stoehr, C. Degenhardt, Ch. Lisdat, U. Sterr, and J. Helmcke: (2003): Diode laser frequency stabilization for a Ca optical clockQuantum Electronic Conference, 2003 (EQEC 2003), München, IEEE Operations Center, Piscataway NJ, 2003 264 (2003)
  • C. Degenhardt, Ch. Lisdat, T. Binnewies, G. Wilpers, U. Sterr, J. Helmcke, and F. Riehle (2003): Ultracold calcium atoms for an optical frequency standard and cold collision studiesQuantum Electronic Conference, 2003 (EQEC 2003), München, IEEE Operations Center, Piscataway NJ, 2003 254 (2003)
  • U. Morgner, P. Wagenblast, R. Ell, W. Seitz, E.P. Ippen, J.G. Fujimoto, F.X. Kärtner (2003): Broadband laser light sources for commercial and biomedical applicationsSPIE Proceedings 4978, 32-37 (2003) Weitere Informationen
  • T.R. Schibli, K.E. Robinson, U. Morgner, S. Mohr, D. Kopf, F.X. Kärtner (2002): Control of Q-switching instabilities in passively mode-locked lasersSpringer, Trends in Optics and Photonics 68, 498-504 (2002) Weitere Informationen
  • O.D. Mücke, T. Tritschler, M. Wegener, U. Morgner, F.X. Kärtner (2002): Role of the absolute optical phase of few-cycle pulses in non-perturbative resonant nonlinear opticsPhys. Rev. Lett 89, 127401/3 (2002) Weitere Informationen
  • D.J. Ripin, F. X. Kärtner, C. Chudoba, U. Morgner, J. T. Gopinath, J. G. Fujimoto,E. P. Ippen (2002): Generation of 20 fs pulses by a prismless Cr4+:YAG laserOpt. Lett. 27, 61-63 (2002) Weitere Informationen
  • W. Seitz, T.R. Schibli, U. Morgner, F.X. Kärtner, C. H. Lange and W. Richter, B. Braun (2002): Passive Synchronization of two Independent Laser Oscillators with a Fabry-Perot-ModulatorOpt. Lett. 27, 454-456 (2002) Weitere Informationen
  • W. Seitz, R. Ell, U. Morgner, T.R. Schibli, F.X. Kärtner, M.J. Lederer, B. Braun (2002): All-optical active mode locking with a nonlinear semiconductor modulatorOpt. Lett. 27, 2209-2211 (2002) Weitere Informationen
  • O. D. Mücke, T. Tritschler, M. Wegener, U. Morgner, and F.X. Kärtner (2002): Determining the carrier-envelope offset frequency of 5-fs pulses with extreme nonlinear optics in ZnOOpt. Lett. 27, 2127-2129 (2002) Weitere Informationen
  • P. Wagenblast, U. Morgner, F. Grawert, F. X. Kärtner, V. Scheuer, G. Angelow, M. J. Lederer (2002): Generation of 10-fs pulses from a Kerr-Lens mode locked Cr3+:LiCAF laser oscillator using third order dispersion compensating double chirped mirrorsOpt. Lett. 27, 1726-1728 (2002) Weitere Informationen
  • C. Jirauschek, U. Morgner, F.X. Kärtner (2002): Variational analysis of spatio-temporal dynamics in dispersive Kerr mediaJ. Opt. Soc. Am. B 19, 1717-1721/2 (2002) Weitere Informationen
  • O. Allard, A. Pashov, H. Knöckel, and E. Tiemann (2002): Ground-state potential of the Ca dimer from Fourier-transform spectroscopyPhys. Rev. A 66, 042503 (2002) Weitere Informationen
  • T. Laue, E. Tiesinga, Chr. Samuelis, H. Knöckel, and E. Tiemann (2002): Magnetic field imaging of weakly bound levels of the ground state Na2 dimerPhys. Rev. A 65, 023412 (2002) Weitere Informationen
  • B. Bodermann, H. Knöckel, and E. Tiemann (2002): Widely usable interpolation formulae for hyperfine splittings in the 127I2 spectrumEur. Phys. D 19, 31 (2002) Weitere Informationen
  • S. Bourquin, R.P. Prasankumar, U. Morgner, F.X. Kärtner, T. Lasser, R.P. Salathé, J.G. Fujimoto (2002): Femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy using a two-dimensional smart pixel detector array, in: Ultrafast Phenomena XIIISpringer, Series in Chemical Physics , 687-689 (2002) Weitere Informationen
  • O.D. Mücke, T. Tritschler, M. Wegener, U. Morgner, F.X. Kärtne (2002): Role of the absolute optical phase in carrier-wave Rabi flopping with two-cycle pulses, in: Ultrafast Phenomena XIIISpringer, Series in Chemical Physics , 359-361 (2002) Weitere Informationen
  • R. Ell, W. Seitz, T.R. Schibli, U. Morgner, F.X. Kärtner (2002): Detection of carrier-envelope phase shift in picosecond lasers, in: Ultrafast Phenomena XIIISpringer, Series in Chemical Physics , 18718-9 (2002) Weitere Informationen
  • P. Wagenblast, U. Morgner, F. Grawert, F.X. Kärtner, V. Scheuer, G. Angelow, M.J. Lederer (2002): Generation of sub-10-fs pulses from a mode-locked Cr3+:LiCAF laser, in: Ultrafast Phenomena XIIISpringer, Series in Chemical Physics , 146-148 (2002) Weitere Informationen
  • W. Seitz, R. Ell, T.R. Schibli, U. Morgner, F.X.Kärtner, C. H. Lange, W. Richter, B. Braun (2002): Optical Modulator for Passive Synchronization and Active Modelocking of Lasers, in: Ultrafast Phenomena XIIISpringer, Series in Chemical Physics , 143-145 (2002) Weitere Informationen
  • S. Chelkowski (2002): Aufbau eines atomaren Sagnac-Interferometers zur hochauflösenden Rotationsmessung2002
    Diploma Thesis